If you were to die tonight and you found yourself standing before God and he asked you, “Why should I let you into my Heaven?” What would you say? The Apostle Paul tells us, in Ephesians 2:8-9 (ESV), “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Paul is telling us that salvation cannot be earned by doing good works. “It is the gift of God.” So, what would your answer be?
Slay Those Giants!
Isn’t it frustrating to have gone through a trial, and just when you think the trial is over here comes another? Nobody goes through life facing only one giant. The minute you toss one giant out, along comes another giant that hunts you down, suddenly appearing out of nowhere at the time you least expect it. You might know the Word of God and you might serve God faithfully—but giants don’t care; they just keep on coming.
Take the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit, and SLAY THOSE GIANTS!
The Absurdity of it All
O, the absurdity of it all! Yet, it is only absurd until you understand that Jesus was born to bring light into your world. It is only absurd until you realize that Jesus is the answer to the deepest needs of your heart. It is only absurd until you embrace Jesus as God in the flesh, offering forgiveness of sin and everlasting life if you will believe in Him. Believing in Jesus may seem absurd, but it is what you are to do because Jesus died for YOU!
A song written in the 1970s by Mike & Ruth Greene, this action song continues to be a favorite in Children’s Ministries worldwide. Its message is crystal clear and straight from the Bible: O B E D I E N C E. Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe! Jesus said in, John 8:31 (NIV), “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” And, in John 14:15 (NKJV), “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”
Partial Obedience?
Do you obey God with all your heart, or only halfheartedly? When God instructs you to not forsake the assembling together of other Christians, and you stay home from church because you don’t feel like going, that’s “partial obedience.” When you believe in God and desire to follow Him and only do it halfheartedly, that is “partial obedience.”
This week Laine Wilder shares some insight about this topic from the historical account of King Saul found in 1 Samuel 15 to demonstrate the importance of obeying God fully, and not just the parts you’re comfortable with.
Obedient or Hypocrite?
Are you a follower of Jesus? If you are His disciple, does your walk match your talk or are there contradictions between what you say and what you do? I’ll ask you the question again, is Jesus truly your Master? Does your life embody His teachings, His passion, His worship, His work, and His mission?
Join Laine Wilder as he confronts the Christian who chooses to live a double life as Obedient or Hypocrite for all the world to see.
Obedience, the True Test of Faith
Did you know one day, you will stand before Jesus, and the genuineness of your faith will be tested?
From Matthew 7:21-23, listen to what Jesus has to say about that day, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” In these verses, Jesus makes it clear that the true test of genuine faith in Christ is not found in words or in works. So, what is the true test of genuine faith in Christ?
The Yoke in Obedience
Do you want to live a life characterized by obedience? Did you know in the Hebrew language, there is only one word for obedience? It is the word shema. The Hebrew word picture of shema is the yoke of the oxen. A yoke is the wooden harness that is placed around the neck of each of the oxen that are teamed together. When a farmer yokes oxen together, he chooses an older, stronger ox and yokes it to a younger ox. By harnessing the power of the older, the younger ox learns to follow its lead and they become very productive.
Mighty to Save
What would you do if you knew your life would be over in minutes? Matthew 14:22-33 (ESV) gives us the account of Jesus walking on the water. In the midst of tumultuous seas, Peter boldly steps out of the boat and begins to walk towards Jesus. Verse 30 tells us, “…when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me.’” Today, call out to Jesus and He will immediately reach out His hand and take hold of you and your circumstances because Jesus is “mighty to save!
Acknowledge the Lord
Do you really “know” the Lord? Or are you basing your identification with Him on your Christian friendships, your work, your ministry, or some other religious activity? The Hebrew word for “acknowledge” signifies an intimate relationship established at some point in the past. What the King is saying to his son is, “Before your life and destinies can be directed by the Lord, at some point, you must choose intentionally to turn away from your own life’s agenda, your own wisdom, and your understanding, and embrace the words, the ways, and the will of the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5 (ESV) says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
The Hebrew word for trust literally depicts the seeker of God as throwing himself down on his face and lying extended on the ground before God showing his complete trust in Him with the totality of his heart, mind, and soul. Why would he do this? Because the God he trusts in is the giver of life, the performer of promises, the answerer of prayer, the miraculous healer. He’s the God who causes the rain to fall and lightning to thunder in the skies. He is the absolute and unchangeable one, He is the sovereign ruler over the heavens and the earth! In every decision you make in life, you can have confidence in it, you can proceed with boldness, and you can rest secure in it if you TRUST in GOD alone!
New Year, New Beginnings
Did you know, for many people, New Years can be a time for New Beginnings? Isn’t that why people make New Year's resolutions? The problem is that our resolutions usually become New Years dissolutions, that is, eventually we go back to the way we were. Nothing changes! Beloved, New Year's resolutions are nice, but they do not bring inner transformation, nor are they sustainable in and of themselves. If you desire permanent change in your life, you must turn from sin and unite yourself to Jesus Christ in believing faith and God will make you a new creation in Christ, old things passed away, all things becoming new! HALLELUJAH!
Jesus, Our Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6 (NIV) tells us: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called…Prince of Peace”
In this passage, the Hebrew word for peace, “shalom,” doesn’t merely mean the absence of conflict; it’s the idea that not only has all conflict ended, but that something better is in its place. That “something better” is Jesus, the Prince of Peace! The peace He offers doesn’t necessarily bring peace to our circumstances, but rather, He brings peace to our hearts.
Jesus, Our Everlasting Father
“Everlasting Father” Have you ever heard of such a dramatic name for a baby? Isaiah 9:6 (NIV) says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called…Everlasting Father…”
As our “Father,” Jesus speaks, acts, thinks, and loves as the Father Himself would. In fact, Jesus said in John 14:9 (ESV), “…Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” Beloved, no matter what you may be going through in life, whether suffering or disappointment, pain or sorrow, no matter how others may be treating you, no matter what life may bring you, you can have peace, contentment, and confidence because Jesus, our Everlasting Father, will be there to provide guidance, comfort, and direction, as only a father would do for His children.
Jesus, Our Mighty God
The Hebrew words for “Mighty” and “God” are “gibbor” which means, “mighty.” And “el,” which, speaking of God, always describes Him as “The Mighty One.” Jesus is our great and mighty Warrior who triumphs over all his enemies. He’s the Mighty God! Beloved, Jesus not only has the power of God, He is the God of power! He is our Mighty God! And best of all, He’s here for you! Do you know Him as your Savior?
Jesus, Our Wonderful Counselor
Isaiah 9:6 (NIV) says, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor…”
Isaiah is telling us that Jesus is beyond anything we have ever seen; he transcends human experience and imagination; he is extraordinary and beyond the bounds of all human expectation! As our “Counselor,,” He doesn’t just give good advice. It means He has understanding that is beyond the ways of man; He understands the purposes and plans of God!
Ready! Set! GLOW!
Did you know that once the fire of God is lit in your heart, you can’t keep its glow a secret and you can’t keep it inside. Beloved, once the fire of God is lit in your heart, you are literally glowing with love for Jesus!
Today, fall on your face before God, confess and forsake every sin that has come between you, and God will forgive your sin, He will re-ignite His fire in your heart, and He will restore His glow in your life. To God be the glory!
Revive Us Again!
Charles Finney said that revival is a time of “renewed conviction of sin and repentance, leading to an intense desire to live in obedience to Jesus Christ.” It’s a time when God’s people return to the simplicity of their first love. It’s a time when we gain fresh awareness that Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives, and that we need to intentionally put Him back at the center of our lives. Beloved, are you ready to break fallow ground in your heart and return to seeking the Lord?
REVIVAL! People on Fire
Why do people get so excited when they see something on fire? Could it be because they understand that fire changes what it burns? The Holy Spirit changes the hearts and minds of people with a consuming fire. The flames spread and others are caught up. John Wesely said, “I get alone with God in prayer. He sets me on fire. The people come out and watch me burn.” Beloved, get on fire for Jesus and watch Him change you, and lives around you! Be consumed! Be people on fire!
To the Righteous Voter: Remember to Pray
In light of the recent national elections, what would God’s message to America be if He were to speak audibly to us today?
Beloved, God’s message to America today is to PRAY for our president, our federal, state, and local leaders, and our nation! No matter how good or bad they are, no matter what political party they may be, no matter how conservative or liberal they are, no matter how moral or immoral they may be! Our country is in desperate times; we are on the brink of no return!