Slay Those Giants!
Slay Those Giants!
Isn’t it so frustrating to have gone through a trial, and just when you think the trial is over here comes another trial?
Many of you are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. Most of us, when we read this story, think this is the only encounter David had when facing giants. When, according to 2 Samuel 21:16-22, probably some 50 years after his encounter with Goliath, we learn that he faced many more giants, all of which happened to be related to Goliath; they just kept coming after him!
Beloved, nobody goes through life facing only one giant. The minute you toss one giant out, along comes another giant that hunts you down, suddenly appearing out of nowhere at the time you least expect it. You might know the Word of God and you might serve God faithfully—but giants don’t care; they just keep on coming.
What are the giants in your life? Doubt? Slay that giant! Fear? Slay that giant! Anxiety? Slay that giant! Discouragement? Slay that giant! Low Self-Esteem? Slay that giant! Insecurities? Slay that giant! Whatever giants are standing at your door … SLAY THOSE GIANTS!
Beloved, it was David’s faith in God that enabled him to slay the giants in his life. When he stood up against Goliath, he was the only one in Israel who had enough faith. If you have faith in God and in His Word, then “…be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:10-11. Right now, in the name of Jesus, take your stand! Determine not to allow any giant to live in or control your life anymore! Take the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit, and SLAY THOSE GIANTS! The bigger the giant, the greater the victory! Praise the Lord!
This is Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries, bringing you Insights From an Elder.
by Laine Wilder
author of “Insights From an Elder” for
Carry the Light Ministries