From the Mailbag
From the Mailbag:
Episode 2
Hello, and welcome to In the Lighthouse: your safe harbor from the storm. Thank you so much for joining us for our very first episode of From the Mailbag. This is Daphne Collins, your Lighthouse Keeper, once again welcoming you here for safe harbor. Beginning with this episode, I will be joined by the Lady With the Lamp, Melissa Saenz, who, as you know, will be co-hosting with me in our From the Mailbag episodes. I would like to announce a slight change in our programming. Although we received messages of well wishes from you, Melissa and I would very much like to hear from you directly. Your story is important to us, even if you think that no one wants to hear about your issues. Many of us don’t fully know the impact a testimony can have on the life of someone who feels alone, unloved, rejected, or hopeless. They make wrong choices, or, are in the midst of a storm because of wrong choices already made. God may be allowing you to come to terms with the choices you made in the past. Sure, we regret our mistakes, but the good news according to the Apostle John is that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Therefore, the wisdom you’ve received by coming through the storm, may help others currently in one. So please, send us an email at: Okay, let’s get started!
“In the first episode, I asked the question, “how many of us could recall the exact day and time when we found ourselves falling into the deepest pit of darkness with no hope of getting out? Well, we heard the answer to this question from our first featured guest to In the Lighthouse, Anthony Canales.”
In this episode, Melissa and I got together to discuss Episode 1 Part One of “I Saw the Light,” and to comment on key points of Anthony’s story. As some of you know, Anthony is Melissa’s nephew, therefore, for her, it’s about someone in her family. It hits close to home. She’s known Anthony most of his life, and has witnessed his transformation. You will hear how listening to his story impacted Melissa, a member of his family. The point is, Anthony decided to be vulnerable and transparent about his past. He knew that by doing so, he was making himself accountable before God and man. This is faith in action. A belief that, “If God is for us, who can be against us? . . . Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies” (Romans 8:31-33). It is important to note that some parts of this broadcast may not be suitable for younger audiences, so I caution adults and parents to use discretion with your young ones when listening to this episode.
Show Notes
Opening Theme: Going for Gold
Transition Theme: Peaceful
Video by Kelly:
Insights From an Elder - “God, Sparrows and Hair” by Laine Wilder