Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Wake up, O Church,

For the time is now,

To arise from your slumber,

And put your hand to the plow! 

Wake up, O Church,

And take your stand,

You have been given the keys to the Kingdom,

Now bind and loose throughout the land! 

Wake up, O Church,

Souls are going to Hell,

Satan has deceived the masses,

But YOU have a story to tell! 

Wake up, O Believer,

Your redemption draweth nigh,

What do others see in YOU?

Do they see the truth, or do they see a lie? 


Beloved, the return of Jesus Christ is imminent!  He could return at any moment!  Jesus declared this in Matthew 24:42 when He said, “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know when your Lord is coming.” John testified to this in 1 John 2:18 when he said, “Children, it is the last hour,”  and in Revelation 22:20, John clearly taught, as he said, speaking of Jesus, “Surely I am coming soon.”  

The imminent return of Jesus Christ is a biblical imperative and, therefore, a reality!  Because it is a reality, God’s people must wake up, get up, clean up, get prayed up, and start living it up for Jesus!  Endure the hardships of living for God!  Do not walk away from your faith and turn to worldly wisdom!  

Why? Because James 5:8 tells us, “…the coming of the Lord is at hand”.  The word “coming” in the Greek is the word parusia. This word teaches that believers will give an account of their lives to Jesus when He returns.  This takes place at the Judgment Seat of Christ, after the rapture of the Church, and involves the rewards or lack of rewards given to those for what they have or have not done after becoming a believer.   Beloved, WAKE UP! 

This is Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries, bringing you Insights from an Elder.

by Laine Wilder

author of “Insights From an Elder” for

Carry the Light Ministries


Are You Ready?


Thus, Saith the Lord!