Choose Your Words Wisely

Proverbs 12:18

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

How can what you say bring healing to others?

The tongue is one of the smallest organs in our bodies yet has the capacity to construct or deconstruct another person’s character. Unfortunately, the words we recall most are the negative ones spoken without thought of the damage they can inflict. Research has concluded that it takes five positive words to overcome one negative word. Words cut deep, the hurt is immediate and their potential to condemn is great.

Negative speech pierces us like a sword. Words that criticize, discourage, gossip, slander, or ridicule that are spoken out of rage can leave long-lasting scars. When we speak in this kind of thoughtless and insensitive language it can cause a spiritual or emotional wound that can devastate one’s life for many years.

God commands us to love and build one another up by speaking with wise and kind words. We grow in fellowship through edification, prayer, and sharing our knowledge of God’s word and personal experiences. As we engage in these conversations it brings healing and hope to the listener. Our new life and transformation are revealed in the way we communicate.

Our words represent what is in our hearts. We should strive to speak life and healing through genuine words that are consistent with our faith. As you speak, consider slowing down your speech. This gives you the ability to contemplate what you say before it comes out of your mouth. Be mindful that once the words come out, you can never take them back. However, with help from the Holy Spirit, it is possible to gain victory over a tongue that needs taming.  

In what ways can you be more mindful of your speech?  

Father God, thank you for this proverb that reveals the impact my words can have on others. Help me as I communicate with others to speak words that bring life and healing. If I begin to say something offensive, please stop me and convict my heart. I want my words to be uplifting to others and pleasing to your ears. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture References:

Proverbs 10:11; Proverbs 15:4; Luke 6:43-45; Ephesians 4:29; James 3:6

Choose Your Words Wisely
Melissa Saenz
Melissa Saenz

Melissa Saenz is the Lady With the Lamp and writer of the Eternal Treasures devotions. She frequently joins Daphne Collins as co-host of the “In the Lighthouse” podcast. As a contributing partner for Carry the Light Ministries, Melissa strongly affirms obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. It is Melissa’s desire that through the treasure of these devotionals, the Lord will be honored by the truth and encouragement found in His Word. Furthermore, the reader will be challenged and empowered by applying these truths to their lives.


Internal Inspiration


Tough Love