When God Calls You, Pick Up!

When God Calls You . . . Pick Up!

Is there something yet undone that you are aware of, but you keep telling yourself, “No, it’s not the right time; I’m not ready for it, but someday . . . maybe.”  Most of us would find it difficult to give a reason for why we postpone or simply say “no.”   What dream for your life has gotten dusty on the shelf in the back of your mind? Are you a writer who doesn’t write, an artist who doesn’t create beauty, a helper who doesn’t help, a builder who isn’t building, a teacher who doesn’t teach, or even a friend who isn’t very friendly?

What prevents us from hearing the voice of God when He is stirring us to move, to act, to become exactly who He created each of us to be? Perhaps we are spinning so fast on the “hamster wheel of life” that we can’t be still long enough to hear His still small voice saying, “DO THIS THING!”

I was privileged to have dinner with Dr. Henry Blackaby a while ago, and I will never forget his exhortation to me. He looked into my eyes and said, “When God calls you, you must obey immediately!” There is no room for delay when He is calling you to action. This is a lesson I learned from Dr. Blackaby, and it's a lesson I continue to learn every day. I often find myself not taking the time to wait upon the LORD, as King David said in Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Perhaps we “have not” because we “ask not.” What if this is your turning point day to change from going your own way to waiting on the LORD in order to sense what He has for you at this very time in your life? Trust in His guidance, for something is amiss, and when you get the sense of what it is, OBEY IMMEDIATELY!

Let us Walk in His Way:

Dear Lord Jesus, You know far better than we do what you would have us focus on at this moment in order to bring You glory through our lives. Please show us our next steps, and when we sense what they are, whether from Your Word, worship, or prayer, may we OBEY IMMEDIATELY. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen.

by Corinne “Kinney” deHamel

author of “Walk in His Way” for

Carry the Light Ministries


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