Executive Committee
Daphne Collins
Founder and President of Carry the Light Ministries, Daphne is the Lighthouse Keeper and host of the In the Lighthouse podcast, narrator of Let Us Pray and An Encouraging Message vlog. Daphne plans to introduce “Walking in His Steps,” an interactive online Discipleship ministry intended to equip the saints with biblical truths to promote spiritual maturity and make more disciples of Christ.
Fun Fact about Daphne: I enjoy reading and watching fantasy and science fiction. For those who know me well, I tend to quote lines from some of my favorite epic stories.
Cherese Collins
Cherese is the Torch Bearer and the voice of Torch Sessions for the Reignite Worship ministry. Cherese believes strongly that the Lord is looking for all the true worshippers of Jesus Christ. ‘Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!’ (Psalm 150:6).”
Fun Fact about Cherese: If I could have Christmas year round, I would! I love watching Christmas movies, even when it isn’t the holiday season. I just think everyone seems a little nicer at Christmas; we should carry that spirit year round!