Rapture READY
Rapture READY
Did you know the Bible teaches that Jesus will return for His Church, and His return is imminent? It could happen at any moment!
One day, you are talking with your spouse, and your spouse disappears in the twinkling of an eye. Then you get a call from the school that your children have vanished, leaving behind only their clothes. Or, it could happen on a trip. You’re on an airplane at 30,000 feet. The cabin is filled to capacity. Suddenly, the plane takes a nosedive. You look around and discover that to find that now there are several empty seats in the cabin and the pilots have vanished into thin air.
Can you imagine the worldwide confusion? Airplanes crashing as pilots disappear from cockpits. Buses and cars veering off the roads, causing accidents as no one is at the wheel. Doctors and/or patients suddenly vanishing in the middle of surgeries.
Beloved, this is the Rapture of the Church the Apostle Paul talks about in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (ESV) and 1 Corinthians 15:51-56 (ESV) and also referenced by Jesus in John 14:1-3 (ESV). Jesus Christ has come in the clouds for His people! Praise the Lord!
The Rapture will separate true believers from those who are only religious, from those who hope their ‘good’ outweighs their ‘bad,’ and from those who believe they can obtain salvation in any way other than simply believing the Gospel. Only those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ are going to be raptured. Those left behind will face the horrors of the Tribulation.
Beloved, if the Rapture were to occur today, would you be left behind? Make sure you are Rapture READY by turning from your sin and embracing Jesus Christ alone for your salvation! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” Acts 16:31.
This is Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries, bringing you Insights From an Elder.
by Laine Wilder
author of “Insights From an Elder” for
Carry the Light Ministries