God’s Perfect Timing
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
Do you trust and have confidence in God’s timing?
It’s no coincidence that the word wait is repeated in this verse. David genuinely understood the importance of waiting on the Lord. Overcoming his tribulations was made evident by his reliance on the Lord’s provision and his humble submission, which provided a valuable lesson to the generations that came after him. David’s story is a true testament to the value of patience and trust in God's perfect timing. Because David trusted and waited on God, he was blessed with courage and hope.
Is there something that you are currently waiting for? Perhaps you’re hoping for a new job, a financial breakthrough, physical healing, or a relationship to be restored. There are so many situations in life that require us to exercise patience. Waiting doesn’t mean inactivity. It means that we can have the opportunity to find stability in God without seeking outside sources or leaning on our understanding. Waiting requires us to trust God's sovereignty and have confidence in his timing.
This can be challenging because we live in a society where we are offered instant gratification; anything we desire is easily accessible. Sometimes, we have that same anticipation when we go to the Lord with our petitions. We may have unrealistic expectations; however, God’s perspective is different from ours. He is all-knowing; his ways are not ours. Just like a father who wants the best for his children, God wants the best for us. He also wants us to understand the purpose and beauty of waiting. Through the waiting, he is refining and maturing us for our future and his glory.
To us, it may appear as if he is slow in his response, and we don’t recognize what he is doing in the background. He is always in the details. When we offer God our thoughts and surrender our will for his, we are transformed. As we patiently wait, he gives us a profound sense of peace and courage to persevere. Therefore, we can rest in his promises, reflect on his goodness and faithfulness, and be assured that he is working everything together for our good.
What comes to mind when you think of the word wait in connection to your relationship with God?
How does waiting imply actively listening to God?
Father God, thank you for always working behind the scenes on my behalf. I know I can come to you and trust you because you are faithful and work everything together for my good. I ask that as I wait, you give me patience and perseverance. I pray for those waiting; provide them the strength to continue looking to you and not lean on their own understanding. Please help them to trust your will and surrender theirs. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Scripture References: Psalm 37:34; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 8:17, 40:31,55:8; Romans 8:25,28; Ephesians 6:10; Colossians 1:11