Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
How often do you share the Good News of Jesus with others?
The Book of Acts is imbued with God’s grace through fulfilled prophecy. The prominent message in this Book is the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his Church. The power that would enable their success in accomplishing all that Jesus described would not come through any natural ability they possessed, but from his Spirit who was sent to equip and empower them. Jesus did not imply militant or political power. No, indeed. The power described here is the ability and authority through the Holy Spirit to boldly witness the truth of the gospel. The Holy Spirit instructs us and gives wisdom and discernment. We are transformed by his saving power, and a profound change occurs in our thoughts and actions. As believers, we are to bear witness to the wondrous work of Jesus which will lead others to Christ.
The Holy Spirit was not promised to a select few, but to everyone who confesses Jesus as their Savior. His divine presence encourages us to live out the unique calling God has placed on each of us, fostering a sense of closeness and reassurance on our journeys. In (Mark 16:15), Jesus instructed his disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The disciples knew that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament. God's redemptive plan fueled their determination and resilience, inspiring them to spread the Good News.
Christians understand that the gospel's journey does not come from human strength but through our weaknesses, shared opposition, and sometimes, suffering. Regardless of your background, education, economic or social standing, if you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, you are called to share the gospel with others. Don't ever allow opposition or suffering to thwart the gospel message. Because of the power you receive from the Spirit, you will persevere and share in God’s redemptive plan of salvation through the death and resurrection of his son, Jesus. The word of God says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Our salvation was already planned at the beginning. The apostles did their part to spread the gospel. Now, it's our responsibility to continue their work in telling others the Good News. We are the caretakers of the gospel truth until Christ returns.
By what means has the Holy Spirit empowered you to share the Good News?
What are you waiting for? Ask the Spirit, and he will help you.
Father God, thank you for the Holy Spirit. His presence has given me the strength and courage to share the Good News of Jesus with others. Give me opportunities to be a witness of your grace and redemption. I lift in prayer those who feel inadequate because of their own perceived weaknesses. Help me to encourage them to rely on the Holy Spirit for power and not to lean on their own strength. Please help all those who are faithful and persistent to share the truth with others until you return. It is in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Scripture References: Psalm 22:27; Isaiah 49:6; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15; John 15:27; Acts 4:33; Romans 15:19