If there was ever a time to drop the microphone, this was it! King Solomon, speaking intimately to his son, passes on to him his most prized counsel when he wrote in Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
The King knew his son would face many decisions in life that he would be ill-prepared for and ill-advised to make on his own. His counsel? TRUST in the LORD! The Hebrew word for trust literally depicts the seeker of God as throwing himself down on his face and lying extended on the ground before God, showing his complete trust in Him with the totality of his heart, mind, and soul. Why would he do this? Because the God he trusts in is the giver of life, the performer of promises, the answerer of prayer, the miraculous healer. He’s the God who causes the rain to fall and lightning to thunder in the skies. He is the absolute and unchangeable one; He is the sovereign ruler over the heavens and the earth!
Now, just before dropping the mic, he instructs his son he is not to rely on or to put confidence in even his own understanding! He is to TRUST in GOD alone! If we say we trust in God, how can we lean on our own understanding? Isn’t that contradictory? The root word for the Hebrew word understanding literally means a strange language. In other words, compared to the wisdom of God, our understanding is like a strange language, and we are not to put our confidence in that but in God!
Beloved, in every decision you make in life, you can have confidence in it, you can proceed with boldness, and you can rest secure in it if you TRUST in GOD alone! Now you can drop the microphone!
This is Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries, bringing you Insights From an Elder.
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by Laine Wilder
author of “Insights From an Elder” for
Carry the Light Ministries