Carry the Light Ministries

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Acknowledge the Lord

Acknowledge the Lord

Do you really “know” the Lord? Or are you basing your identification with Him on your Christian friendships, your work, your ministry, or some other religious activity? 

Imagine King Solomon sitting down with his son and telling him, “Son, one day you are going to inherit the throne, if you want your life and reign to be guided and directed by the Lord, did you know you must first have a relationship with Him? Solomon was basing his teaching on what he had written in Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”   

The Hebrew word for “acknowledge” signifies an intimate relationship established at some point in the past. What the King is saying to his son is, “Before your life and destinies can be directed by the Lord, at some point, you must choose intentionally to turn away from your own life’s agenda, your own wisdom, and your understanding, and embrace the words, the ways, and the will of the Lord. When you do this, He instantly transforms you on the inside and even begins to transform you on the outside. As His words, His ways, and His will begin to permeate the way you live and the way you think, your course of life will be altered forever! Praise the Lord!  

Oh beloved, do you have an intimate relationship with the God of the universe?  Take King Solomon’s advice to heart and “acknowledge” the Lord by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay for your sins.  Embrace His words, His ways, and His will!  If you do this, He will change your life and your destiny forever! Praise God! 

This is Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries, bringing you Insights From an Elder.

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Insights From an Elder - Acknowledge the Lord Laine Wilder for Carry the Light Ministries

by Laine Wilder

author of “Insights From an Elder” for

Carry the Light Ministries